Wok & Roll:
A Chinese Culinary Journey

Dragon Delights:
Savor the Best of Chinese Cuisine

Chopsticks & Choices:
Authentic Chinese Flavors

Chef's Specialties

Indulge in a rotating selection of expertly crafted Experience dishes that showcase the culinary creativity of our master chefs.

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Fresh and Local Ingredients

We take pride in sourcing the freshest and highest quality ingredients for our dishes.

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Customized Dining Experience

At La Fondita China, we believe in serving to your individual tastes and preferences. Our menu allows you to enjoy your favorites!

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La Fondita China

We are a culinary gem nestled at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. We take pride in crafting a unique dining experience that blends the timeless flavors of Chinese cuisine in San Antonio. Our restaurant is a culinary bridge that celebrates the art of fusion, resulting in a menu that is both comforting and exciting.


Our Concept

Our concept revolves around combining the diverse ingredients, techniques, and seasonings of two distinct culinary traditions to create something truly extraordinary. Each dish tells a story of cultural harmony! We invite you to join us on this gastronomic journey where East meets West.


Our Goal

Our goal is simple yet profound - to provide our guests with an unforgettable dining experience that transcends borders. We aim to create a welcoming atmosphere where people of all backgrounds can come together to appreciate the artistry of our cuisine.

Taste the Fusion!
Indulge in the Flavors of China

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Mongolian Beef

Tender slices of succulent beef wok-seared to perfection, then tossed in a rich, savory sauce infused with garlic, ginger, and hints of sweetness. This classic Chinese dish boasts a perfect balance of flavors and textures that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

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Wonton Soup

A comforting bowl of steaming clear broth filled with delicate, handcrafted wontons. These savory dumplings are stuffed with a flavorful mixture of seasoned ground meat or seafood, then paired with fresh vegetables and garnished with fragrant herbs. This timeless Chinese soup offers a soothing, umami-rich experience that warms both the heart and soul.

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Sweet & Sour Shrimp

Plump, succulent shrimp coated in a luscious, tangy-sweet sauce that's a harmonious blend of fruity and savory notes. This Chinese classic combines tender shrimp with colorful bell peppers, onions, and pineapple chunks, creating a dish that's a delightful symphony of flavors and textures.


La Fondita China is more than a restaurant in San Antonio, Texas; it's a celebration of the diverse tastes that make our world so wonderfully interconnected.


Contact Us

  • info@lafonditachina.com
  • (210) 757-3292
  • lafonditachina.com
  • 9804 Roosevelt Avenue San Antonio TX 78214